Registration now open for: HAPPY FEET, HEALTHY BEAT


AIR & PAASA is seeking sponsorship partners, performers, presenters, vendors and volunteers to stage our 2nd Annual Early Childhood Dance & Theatre Arts (ECDTA) Festival. We are a new association providing performing arts after school aactivities (PAASA) to schools, including workshops in dance, sign language, speech and drama, martial arts and theatre crafts.

This year teachers will be treated to a special workshop, in addition to our regular choreographic session, we will be introducing Movement Therapy & Learning Programs for use in the classroom. Students and their parents will also enjoy a number of movements, dance, speech and drama workshops which will culminate in a performance presentation. All participating groups are encouraged to take at least 1 performance item to be presented at "Happy Feet, Healthy Beat!"

Last year we engaged close to 300 performers at the YMCA and more than 11 groups. This year the event will be held at the School of Dance - Edna Manley College for the Visual and Performing Arts College, 1 Arthur Wint Drive, Kingston 5. A number of our students have been featured on Smile Jamaica - TVJ on more than one occasion. Past sponsors include First Global Financial Services and friends of AIR & PAASA. No sponsor too big or too small for us to accommodate, so please call us. You may contact Kofi Walker on Mob: 876-405-2800, Email: or Link to our Blogspot or add us on Facebook.

Application Form Request
Contact Person:
Name of Company, School or Group:*
Contact Numbers:*
Email address:
Number of people you are planning to send to the festival...*
Please list below the number of participants : Performers + teachers + traveling friends or family members.
Family & Friends

* Required


Request a registration form by emailing: or call +876-405-2800. Applications must be submitted by March 31, 2013. Once you submit a request, you will receive an application response detailing your acceptance and any other information needed. As you plan your table, booth, music, performance, lecture; please keep in mind this is a family friendly festival and there will be children of all ages attending.

Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts - School of Dance

May 26, 2013

Registration for workshops and presentation starts at 9:00 AM 
Workshop activities commence at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Children: $350.00
Adults:     $600.00

At the gate - Performance starts at 1:00 PM
Children: $400.00
Adults:     $700.00

Dress code: 
Dancers wear appropriate gears for the class... preferably black leotards, tights and skirts (optional, boys black sweat pants and T- shirt. Students who do not have black can or the correct dance gears can wear their school's PE gears. Teachers and parents please wear loose fitted clothing for all movement workshops. 

Liability waiver
By submitting your application to participate in ECDTA Festival 2013 - Happy Feet, Healthy Beat you waive all claims made by you, your organization, family and agents against AIR & PAASA Foundation Limited, ECDTA Festival coordinator Kofi Walker, other participants, volunteers, AIR & PAASA Officials and or Edna Manley College for the Visual and Performing Arts from any damage or loss or property and or any injury. Please advice the presenter if you have any injuries or medical condition that may hinder your participation in the activities prior to the commencement of the activity; if you have not highlighted this in the application form


  1. I love that video clip. So very very clever. Good luck with your ECDTA Festival. I know it will be smashing! You have a talent for bringing together people of excellence. Love your previous dance student, Brisbane Australia.


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