End of Summer and A New Dance Term Looms Ahead

Photo courtesy of Emma Caroline Lewis
The well needed rest and recuperation is now coming to an end... This time of tranquility, resigned from the hustling of the daily humdrum of traffic and mass gathering...! Alas this hibernation is at an end. It was so good these last few weeks and I did take advantage of the break. Did the nature visit to the Langley river a couple of times, traveled the country side, caught up with friends and did my long overdue administrative work. It was a convenient time for reflection too...; looking back at some of the challenges and mistakes made over the periods; they are undoubtedly bench markers for the upcoming school year.

‘Even in adulthood it remains a pleasure to move; there is a caught-in-the-moment exhilaration in dancing, and it can be a way of knowing oneself and the world. More dance as education than dance in education.’
(Animated - Community Dance Magazine). This excerpt from the article resonates with me daily in many ways. I see this in the unique way my students respond to learning and how I have developed as a teacher through my work as a community dance artist working in partnership with other artists and organizations.

This year we were hoping to partner with a number of new schools, but so far the initiation process is slow. However daunting that may be; it is time to search my music collection for the new term's dance compositions. Welcome on board Hopies Pre-school... we are looking forward to working with you and your students Mrs. Burnside.

Parents interested in registering for the Saturday Dance Classes may request a registration form via email. Parents from our participating schools can download registration forms from my Google drive or request it via email.

Classes will resume Wednesday September 4th, at Quest Prep and Thursday September 5th, at Sun-Ray's Educational Centre and Hopies Pre-School. All other classes should start the second week of September 9th, 2013.

Participating Schools' Schedules

Reg. Form
Jamaica House Basic School
Denise Reynolds
1:30 – 2:30
1:30 – 2:30
Quest Preparatory School
Kofi Walker
1:30 – 2:30
3:00 – 4:00
1:30 – 2:30
3:00 – 4:00
Denise Reynolds
1:30 – 2:30
1:30 – 2:30
Sun-Rays Educational Centre
Kofi Walker
1:30 – 2:30
1:30 – 2:30
Orette Perkins
1:30 – 2:30
1:30 – 2:30
The Academy
Shelly-Ann Rowe
1:30 – 2:30
Hopies Pre-School
Shelly-Ann Rowe
1:00 – 2:00
Minnonite Basic School
Kofi Walker
Constant Spring Jnr High School
Shelly-Ann Rowe
Saturday Dance
Kofi Walker

As the term progress I will update the schedule. Dance Registration forms can be downloaded in pdf formats only. Please complete and return to the school's administration.

Jamaica House Basic School Dance Group
Congratulations to Denise & Jamaica House Basic School. They were our only entry into JCDC Dance Competition this year and they took home the gold.

Quest Prep - Summer Dance Camp 2012

Thanks to those who participated and supported the program throughout this year. The students at summer camp were awesome in their Michael Jackson's Thriller composition. I think we will continue that this term.

Photos courtesy of Marion Spencer and Emma Caroline Lewis.

Our Brochure
AIR & PAASA Mission Statement and Team Members
Open Link to see our activities from September 2013 - July 2014

***Dance is a delicate balance between perfection and beauty ***
