Welcome to the 2014/15 Dance Training Program

Welcome to a new term of dance… it is important to acknowledge that the fundamental skills that our students need to acquire are not limited to reading, writing and language. As part of the appropriate preschool experience, dance is critical thinking and execution skills suitable for the child’s brain, kinaesthetic and social development. This term we hope to continue to build the dance program by increasing the students dance experiences. By the end of the term, students will be invited to a dance picnic where parents, families and friends can observe students’ progression. Students are required to wear the appropriate gears for dance (full black); Girls: Leotards, Tights & Skirt $3,000.00; Boys: T-Shirt & Jazz Pants $2,500.00. You may order your dance gears by completing the dance application form or contacting me on the numbers below. Please join our website for news and updates. To register for the dance program you may request a registration form via email or the office of participating schools or call +1876-405-2800.
