Looking for A Venue for Our Youth Club!!! Please Help Us!

Saturday Dance at Devon House
It has been a pleasure working with my little dancers on Saturday in the Park. Featured here are some of the dancers trying to shade from the hot sun.

Trying hard to find suitable venue for dance but it has not been successful thus far.

I have not kept up with this blog for one reason or another but of late I am getting around to doing the things that I have been neglecting or have not had the time to do, due to resources and the everyday life's challenges.

If you know of a venue in Kingston that is willing to accommodate our Saturday Performing Arts programs please let us know.

It is the start of the new school year and we are looking forward to working with schools wanting after-school activities in dance, sign language,  music and percussion.
You can reach me on 876-4052800 or email airpaasa@gmail.com and I would be happy to assist you.

Continue to support us in supporting your child through our fun and exciting activities.Email
