Jerusalema - (Adult) Dance In The Park


In January of this year I pondered what to do, then an old friend and a parent surfaced. The good old friend send a monetary gift and a parent from one of  the school that I taught at (prior Covid pandemic) reached out to me, asking that I coach her two daughters. This initiative should have been focused on the children. However this is the end results of some of our enthusiastic parents and friends from Harbour View.

The video was edited by JT (The Universal Ear). The Polo Shirts were printed by Crimson Dawn.

I am very grateful for all your support and I hope you enjoy this montage of your pleasure dancing up a storm at Emancipation Park.

Please like, subscribe and share.

-          Summer Bounce & Dance.

-          Register for Dance In The Park

Thanks to:

-          National Housing Trust

-          Emancipation Park

-          The Universal Ear (J. Thomas)

- Crimson Dawn

- Mushrooms

-          Lateif Glen

-          Clayton Gidden

-          Camay Gordon

-          Yvette Gayle

-          Lydia Puranda

-          Raquel Puranda

-          Jonathan Dyer

-          Joseph Sinfield

-          Paula Shaw

-          Paulette Dowe

-          Dr. Claudette Clarke

-          Audrey Nembhard

-          Parents & Caregivers

-          All participants.
