Complex... but a year I'm grateful for!

My Year In Review


January a complete blur… and am not trying to recall! But by the end of the month, I started an early childhood development training program – level 3 at Bethel Training Institute.

February, I met a character I would later refer to as a succubus. Together we gathered over 24 children in a community centre for what seem to be me babysitting a group of children with little compensation, assistance or supervision and this was accompanied with oversized ego and deception. By the end of March, I was mentally out but stuck it throughout April, when they decided to dislodge the waste water pipe, thus causing the project at that community to come to an abrupt end.

May – no child’s month program through AIR-PAASA for another year! So, I focused on gardening or house repairs, outside of that, I just tried to source employment… and even that I found intriguing; I quickly recognize hate, bigotry and prejudice. I easily disengage, I’m older, wiser and clearly understand how to defuse difficult and complicated situation with little or no incident of serious discord! Sometimes that means walking away! With your dignity and your chin up! And if you are me, you collect travel expenses!

In July I did a couple of workshops for 3PM. That was grate till one of the students fell into a pane of glass,  which shattered around him and pinned him. After those session I contracted Covid, so recovery was the word. I left with gratitude that that child was not hurt.

September and October were not eventful, nothing I can recall until the deaths of two of my Aunties, both of whom were buried a week a part. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to participate in both death rituals. I attended Aunty Cidy’s Candle Light gathering and Aunty Gloria’s funeral. My participation in their commemorations was significant to me. It brought unity, ignited interest in new and old connections in weird and pleasant ways.

December - The end of the year saw a reunion of my once dance toddlers, who are now confident five - nine (5 - 9) year old’s. They were my team at the Hope Zoo Lights 2022. These children had me under a microscope, they asked direct and pertinent questions they’ve been yearning to ask for years. All the while letting me know that my influence on them is waning and will soon be a memory. Nevertheless, we entertained the audience/visitors to Zoo Lights and was able to have an explosion of funny antics after all the disruption to normalcy.

Regardless of the challenges this year, I’ve consistently maintained high marks in the Early Childhood Development Training course and for that I am proud. And did I mention all the ladies in my class love me?

The fact is, I’m privileged to recognize that, majority of my experiences this year was in my hands to create possibilities. As a result, I expanded my support network, which have helped me recognize that I am yet to realize my full potential.

To all my supporters, students, parents, colleagues, friends and family have a hot and spicy 2023.



  1. Great job walker,this year will be more productive


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